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Welcome to BespokenLounge, a community of enthusiasts specifically created to support small independent watchmakers and brands. Independent watchmaking is steeped in history, tradition, craftsmanship, passion, and love. There is an intimate beauty and deep-seated bond created between the watchmaker and the watch during the painstaking process of creativity and creation. These feelings, this passion, goes far beyond the physical object. It is emotional experience of creation that is transferred to the person who buys and wears the watch.

For many watch-wearers, a watch is simply a tool, a piece of jewelry, or all to often a status symbol used to portray success or wealth. This is antithetical to the appreciation of true craftsmanship and beauty that forms the heart of independent/bespoke watchmaking. Social Media has further reduced discussion to Likes, emojis, and platitudes. And these social media platforms and other watch forums are specifically designed to drive clicks which means they focus on large, luxury brands.

This community celebrates watchmaking. It allows enthusiasts to interact with each other and engage in actual conversation . Further, we are working to add several independent watchmakers to the community in the near future with their own customized clubs and forums to directly interact with the community. This is what sets independent watchmaking apart from mass-produced watches. The personal connection and relationship between the watchmaker, the watch, and the wearer is the soul of independent watchmaking. 

So welcome to Bespoken Lounge. Use the Introduction Forum below to introduce yourself and tell us a about your journey to independent watchmaking. PLEASE READ the Mission Statement, Core Values, and Purpose of this forum. This community is a place to support independent watchmaking and the watchmakers who share their passion with us.


Chris (TimeTexasChris)

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