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Bespoken Lounge Blogs TimeTexas Sketch logo 1000x400.png

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Things have been a little crazy so haven't been able to spend much time on the board lately. I am currently adding in a separate Microbrand forum. I barely have time for a single forum right now, much less two. Plus I think that people who like small brands like both microbrands and independents. Separating them, at least at this point, doesn't make sense. Additionally, I'm looking at reorganizing the albums so that brands have galleries and there are also galleries for members/photographers.

Latest from the Lounge 2024.02.01

Well, its 2024 and I'm finally back. Way too much excitement in my life the last few months. Changed jobs and was hoping to have a couple months off before starting the new position. Unfortunately the timing didn't work out and I left the previous position on a Friday and started Monday. Then I spent 3 straight weeks in an arbitration. But its a new year and looking forward to getting back into spending time on the forum and being MUCH better about updating it with the latest news and topics.

Latest from the Lounge 2023.09.27

I've spent the last few weeks reaching out to numerous watchmakers. I'm still waiting to hear back from quite a few and still reaching out to more. In the meantime, I'm excited to announce the latest additions to the Community! @OLIGO Fernando Ronzon @Tselishchev Andrey Can from Uhren Manufaktur Maxim Sushkov Albert Villa I'm finalizing my questionnaire for the the watchmakers so I can ensure future efforts continue to meet their needs. The blogs are a lit


TimeTexas in Latest from the Lounge

Latest from the Lounge 2023.08.13

So I'm working to allow members to have blogs on the site. It's a little clunky but working through issues. If there's interest in this I think I can work on it to make it more streamlined and easier to navigate both for readers and creators. If you're interested in starting your own blog, please let me know and I will make sure its set up to allow that...it requires some behind the curtain setup right now. And then I can assist in getting you up and running. In other news, I'm streamlining
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